about this client

hot networkz is a direct sales company, that mainly works with students. Providing part-time jobs, where students can work with their peers, make new friends, learn new skills through sales- training and work experience, get the opportunity to grow within the company, whilst balancing work with their education.

Attracting and of course keeping the students as part-time sales promotors is very important for the company. Because of the students limited working hours (due to their education), the high demand in student jobs and due to students quitting their part-time job after graduating. Which is why intern and external branding is very important for hot networkz. Turning work and everything around it into a fun experience students wants to part-take in.

about my role

As a ex-promotor myself I understood the company very well and what it needed. Starting as an intern I worked on my first re-brand ever. Due to it’s succes this resulted in a part-time job a brand marketeer, graphic designer and content creator of hot networkz. At this time Hot Networkz is one of my trusted clients.

company portfolio

brand id





Black Box Of Identity