Black box of identity - Voorstel document-05.png

Black Box Of Identity




During my minor in Experience Design at the Utrecht School of the Arts, I had the freedom to discover who I was as a designer by developing several concepts.

I did a lot of experiments, but nothing really excited me. I also was asked to define what kind of designer I am and want to be. But I was struck at the thought of being defined and fixed. How am I supposed to know what I am when I am constantly changing and growing?

I was frustrated; I didn't know what my main project should be and who I was. And then it clicked: this is what my project should be about! I should be about this journey and my realisation that identity isn't fixed but is dynamic. 


At the end of my second year at CMD, I made my first animation. The Black Box Of [Blank] concept is a form of abstract animation inspired by psychology, philosophy and my mental journey. 

The music

Like in my previous animation, I used music from the artist Zes. His music has felt like the perfect vessel to carry my animation and story. His music works perfectly with my vision. It's just as emotional and abstract as the concept and gives me so inspiration while animating. 


After researching and digging deeper into identity philosophy, I knew I wanted this story to be abstract, as philosophy also is. I thought about different mediums to tell the story but felt the most for animation. So I decided to follow my gut feeling and continue my animation series. 


The animation was supposed to be projected in a black room with headphones on to really pull you in. If I had more time, I would love to make the video a lot longer and show more of the struggles and hardships of this journey. I would also love to make it interactive by mapping and randomising animations so that each user would have a different route.


The minor only lasted five months and started working on this concept in the last month due to other assignments and experiments. 


Winter of 2021



From the moment I become a cell, I receive information. Data that my body processes into something that becomes a part of me. From the moment that I am complete enough to receive the data from the external world, the test of time begins. So what values do I hold on to? What data will become part of me? These answers are determined by the "core" you have already built through nature and nurture—the first building blocks of your identity are your first filter.


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