Mono Skin

Brand ID & concept


The concept

During my 4th year at CMD, I followed a brand identity course in which I had to come up with a non-existing company concept and develop a brand identity for it. 

For whom?

Mono skin is for everyone; since it's a gender-neutral, ecofriendly, zero waste and hypoallergenic skincare line. In the branding, we focus on young people that care for the planet and their skin since this age group is more open to these kinds of concepts. 

Assignment/ limitations

Develop a complete brand ID. You do not have to make your own pictures since the project is limited in time and resources. The focus of this assignment is mainly on communicating your new brand as best as you can and not executing it. The project group must make logo's, colour pallet, labels, packaging design, artwork, overall art direction, and copy text themself.

My role within this project

The conceptualisation of Mono as a brand, we did together. My partner did mainly copy text and illustrations, and I worked on the overall look and feel. 


Winter of 2021


Black Box Of Identity


Faber Castell