
  • The previous brand identity was about 25 years old;

  • I’ve worked at the company (part-time) as sales promotor for around 8 years;

  • The rebrand of hot networkz, was done by me during my internship there (second year of my education);

  • This was my first branding/re-branding assignment;

    After my internship I got a part-time job as Brand Marketeer and graphic designer. Now they are one of my main clients.


Professional, motivation, youth, ambition, playful, powerful.

Use case

The identity is used for informal and formal communication.

The branding is mostly used to inform and attract potential salespromotors (recruitment) — and to motivate and activate current employees (employee retention).

This group of (potential) employees mostly work part-time at hot networkz, alongside their studies. Because the company works with students (gen-z), it’s important that the branding fit’s their lifestyle.

At the same time, they also communicate to their (and potential) business to business partners. The formality of this communication contrasts highly with the recruitment and employee communication. To fulfil both uses, finding a baseline (branding) in which professional and casual content can be combined was key. This also makes it possible to adapt to trends, without losing brand recognition. An important factor in appealing to gen-z.

brand id


HN - shoots